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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

How to reach us

2-01 office,
117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
Open hours:
Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm
Sat 11 am - 4 pm
Sun - day off

Customers' reviews

Anna Zitzlaff

about Yenisei river cruise from Norilsk to Krasnoyarsk
After my return back home I would like to tell you, that I enjoyed every minute of our trip!

Dear Alyona,

after my return back home I would like to tell you, that I enjoyed every minute of our trip!

For me it was a great pleasure, although I got lumbago.

The cruise was impressive, the big cities as well. There were so many different things to see!

Tundra, endless landscapes….

I liked the Russian meals. And seeing all these people….

And I want to tell you, that it was very, very good organized.

And especially Ludmilla in Irkutsk, she was amazing, her enthusiasm was wonderful: knowing everything, telling and showing us everything, I would like to thank her for her kindness and help!

There are always a few things, which are not so good: you can’t change the wheather (in Irkutsk and at Baikal it was raining all the time).

Nevertheless, I would do this trip once again!

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