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Саянское кольцо. Туроператор по сибири.

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117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
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Pelmeni is a Eurasian dish - dumplings made from unleavened dough with different fillings. It is the most known Russian and particularly Siberian dish. Similar dishes there are in many cultures: China (dim sum), Middle Asia (buuz, manti), Italy (ravioli), Germany (Maultaschen), etc.

The word “pelmeni” came to Russian language from Finno-Ugric languages and means “ear bread”, dumplings have a form of ears. Pelmeni are known in Siberia from the 17th century, came from the Ural mountains along the old Siberian road with convicts and prisoners, soldiers and Cossacks.

In old times pelmeni was a holiday dish cooked only for important events. Today it’s an everyday meal. But some families keep tradition to cook dumplings for New Year’s Eve.

The base of the dish is unleavened dough, but there is a great number of cooking ways. The recipe of dough is practically the same, but the fillings are numerous. Fillings are usually made of fish, meat, vegetables with spices, berries and herbs.

The traditional filling for pelmeni is made of beef, pork and mutton with different spices, onion and garlic. Sometimes they are made of potatoes and cabbage. The dough is usually made of flour, eggs and water.

Pelmeni are stored frozen and are prepared before the meal. They are put in the boiling water or a broth and are cooked until they rise to the surface.

The dish is served with butter, fresh sour cream, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard or vinegar. Sometimes pelmeni are roasted after they are ready. They also can be served with a broth like a soup.
