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Ukha Fish Soup

Ukha is one of the oldest Russian dishes, but at the moment of it’s appearing (it cannot be exactly determined), it was not specific and unique Russian cuisine, but today it is.

Traditional ukha is a clear, slightly astringent, concentrated broth of fish. Ukha in its classic version has its own cooking technology. Firstly, any fish cannot be used for Ukha unlike any other fish soup. Fish for ukha should be a fresh, even alive one. Secondly, varieties of fish, which meat has a sticky, soft and "sweet” taste. The most suitable types for the classic ukha are, firstly, pike, perch, ruff and whitefish, then carp, chub, crucian carp, rudd. Siberians living in the Polar Circle like fish soup from muksun, broad whitefish, nelma, grayling, taimen and omul.

Ukha should be cooked in an open pan, without a lid, on a small or moderate heat, in any case not to let it rapidly boil. Secondly, the fish is put not into water but in boiling salt vegetable broth. To make this broth we need an onion in a form of bulb, which is then can be thrown out or just finely chopped onion. If the ukha is made of alive fish, vegetables set can be limited. In all other cases, a small amount of chopped large slices of potatoes and whole carrots, which is also later thrown out. Thirdly, it is necessary to comply with a limited time of cooking the fish, so that freshwater fish is boiled for 7-20 minutes (excluding the big fish of the Siberian rivers - 25-30 minutes), sea fish is for 8-12 minutes. The duration of cooking fish depends not only on its varieties (although it cannot be ruled out), but the size of the fish or its pieces.

Fourthly, for ukha a wide range of herbs and spices is used. Thus, it is mandatory to use black pepper, parsley (root and greens), dill, green onion, bay leaf, desirable leeks, tarragon, parsnips, and sometimes saffron, nutmeg, ginger, star anise, fennel are added. The usual assortment of spices depends on the type of fish - the fatter the fish, the greater the need for soup spices and on the variety of fish from the standpoint of its taste qualities, for example in the ukha from walleye or perch to put a lot of spices is not necessary. However, we must bear in mind that the spices in the ukha should be used carefully in order not to kill the taste of fish.

Ukha soup is often cooked on bonfire during fishing process right on the bank of a river or lake. Fishermen often add a glass of vodka to the broth.
