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Today Russian system of nature reserves is celebrating its anniversary - one hundred years ago, the first reserve was established.


Today Russian system of nature reserves is celebrating its anniversary - one hundred years ago, the first reserve was established. Specially to the date WWF Russia has selected the 7 most notable reserves and national parks.

Exactly 100 years ago, on 11 January (New Style), 1917, the first reserve was established in the country - Barguzin reserve. Since then, Russia has taken under the protection about 200 million hectares or about 11% throughout the country, incl. about 52 million hectares protected with the support of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF Russia). At the initiative of WWF Russia, since 1997, the 11th of January is celebrated as the day of Russian reserves.

1. The smallest

The smallest protected area of Russia is the reserve Galichya Gora (Lipetsk region). Its area is only 2.3 sq. km, which have more than 650 species of plants. However, many of them are not typical for these latitudes, and scientists are still arguing about how they could get here. Here is the Caucasus, Altai and even alpine flora. Furthermore, the reserve has incredibly wide variety of insects. Also here you can find the black kite, osprey, fox, raccoon dog, badger, wild boar and even moose.

2. The biggest

The largest area of protected areas is Great Arctic State Nature Reserve (Krasnoyarsk region) - 42 000 sq. km. That is the richest place of Eurasia mainland with the largest number of polar bears. The reserve is one of the most important migration routes of this species. There is also preserved population of the Arctic, not migrating wild reindeer and rare species of birds: black goose, red-breasted goose, white-tailed eagle, peregrine falcon, small swan.

3. Cat reserve

Land of the Leopard National Park (Primorye Territory) - the only place in Russia, that is the home for two members of pantherinae: Amur tiger and Amur leopard. Here you can find the ancient relic plants, as well as representatives of tropical fauna. Of the animals inhabiting the park 40 species are rare and endangered. Apart from tigers and leopards there are the Far Eastern forest cat, lynx, Asiatic black bear, brown bear, musk deer, roe deer, goral, wild boar, raccoon dog, Manchurian hare and others.

4. The most prolific

The reserve Wrangel Island (Chukotka) is called the main maternity home of polar bears. Every year here in the lair lies a record number of female bears  - from 300 to 500 - preparing to give birth. In addition, on Wrangel Island is located the world's largest rookery of Pacific walrus. Here are the biggest in the Chukchi sea bird colonies, including the only constant in Eurasia largest colony of white goose. From viewpoint of biodiversity this is the richest Arctic island.

5. The most fur-bearing

Russia's first nature reserve - Barguzin reserve (Buryatia) was created to preserve the sable, which fur hunters brought to the brink of extinction. By the time the reserve was only 20-30 sables in its territory. Today, thousands of sables of different colors live here. Also on the territory of the protected area you can meet brown bear, moose, musk deer, hare and other animals.

6. The most mysterious

On the territory of the Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve (Komi Republic) the plateau Manpupuner is located, there are 7 stone sculptures as tall as a 15-storey building. Legend says that giants once tried to steal the daughter of the leader of the people who lived here. The son of the leader tried to rescue his sister, and with the help of the good spirits the giants turned to stone. However, according to scientists, the case is without its magic: 200 million years ago on the site of the stone pillars tall mountains stood that collapsed under the influence of weather. Pillars' form still continues to change, that is why there is a myth that the pillars change their places. Inhabitants of these mystical places are: moose, bears, wolves, wolverines, wild boars, badgers, reindeer, raccoon dogs and others.

7. The most mountainous

The most mountainous protected area in Russia is the Elbrus National Park (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic), including the country's highest peak - Mount Elbrus. There are waterfalls, lakes, healing mineral springs, alpine meadows. Much of the territory is occupied by forests. The park is home to a huge number of species, including: Caucasian tur, chamois, lynx, brown bears, wolves, wild boars, falcons, Caucasian grouse, white-tailed and others. National Park mode allows the use the Elbrus as a mountain tourism and skiing center.