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The italians came to Altai region to discuss problems of mountain ski industry


An italian delegation headed by the Agency of foreign links of the Southern Tyrol in Bolzano province will be working in Altai region from 25 to 29 May. According to the official website of Altai region the purpose of the visit is realization of some investing programs in the sphere of mountain skiing and tourist business.
Besides, the italian part is ready to discuss question on energy saving technologies in industrial and private construction, to discuss the possibility of taking part in the investment project "The development of a special economic recreational zone "Biryuzovaya Katun" and a resort "Belokuriha", to share experience of organizing and managing the city.
The italian delegation is represented by the head of agriculture and tourism Ministery of Bolzano province - Mr. Vert Andreas, the specialists of the companies "Plan Team", "VITA", "Technoalpin". The Southern Tyrol companies are world leaders in the sphere of mountain ski industry and winter technologies.