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2-01 office,
117 Uritskogo Str.
Krasnoyarsk, RUSSIA
Open hours:
Monday-Friday 10 am-7 pm
Sat 11 am - 4 pm
Sun - day off



Situated in 20 km to the south from the city center on the right bank of the Ob Sea Akademgorodok made Novosibirsk a famous scientific-technological megapolis.

Since 1957 dozens of  Institutes  of Siberian Department of Russian Academy of  Sciencies, departments of State University of Novosibirsk and scientific forums integrate key specialists of all fundamental, technical and humanist schools: mathematics and information science, physics and chemistry, geology and biology, economy and sociology, medicine and ecology, philosophy and philology.

Today in Akademgorodok there are more than 20 big research institutes : Institute of thermal physics, Institute of  inorganic chemistry, Institute of catalysis, Institute of nuclear physics, Institute of information systems, Institute of computing mathematics and mathematical geophysics, Institute of chemical biology and fundamental medicine, Institute of cytology and genetics, Institute of automatics and  electrometry, Institute of  physics of semiconductors, Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics and many other unique academic institutions.

The undoubted charm of Akademgorodok is in it’s plenty of greenery. You can see trees near every house and enjoy walking in pine – birch, apple tree, ashberry and  siren  malls along the roads . Akademgorodok is the unique example of Siberian tower planning practice. Thanks to tree and shrub planting workers here you can see some of the trees that usually don’t grow in Siberia – fir and lime trees, cedar and larch, jasmine and honeysuckle. In the surroundings -Siberian Botanic Garden . The main street of Akademgorodok is Lavrentyev Avenue, which is filled with dozens institutes and reasonably deserves entering into the Guinness Book of Records as the most scientific street in the world.

The Novosibirsk Zoo

One of the Russia’s biggest zoos - The Novosibirsk Zoo was opened in 1933 based on  small agrobiostation. At the beginning zoo included one nature corner under the zoology room of children center. In 1937 thanks to efforts of children and workers  a former garden “Algambra”,  to where 10 new animals and birds were placed, was also included in the Zoo.

At the Second World War’s time in 1942 on the territory of  a motor pool there was made a special zoobase under  State Association of Circuses for animals evacuated from circuses and movable zoos. In spite of the fact that animals were kept in conditions of closeness and were under excursion visit that improvised menagerie quickly become very popular. As the war ended, that zoobase was given in possession of the city.

In july of 1969 Rostislav Aleksandrovich Shilo was appointed to the post of director of the zoo and still keeps his position. Thanks to him the government gave more land to zoo and after long 16 years of waiting the zoo got new equipment.

In 1985 the zoo moved to new  housing in Zaeltsevsky district of Novosibirsk Oblast. 12 factories and  large-scale enterprises helped financially for building the Zoo. In 1991 the Zoo already had 5 open-air cages for hoofed mammals, 5 for wolves, 16 for weasel, 5 for small canids, 24  for birds, 2.3 km of the road were asphalted, the building of a special enclosure for walrus had started, 7actual- sized  sculptures of dinosaurs also were made.

Today the construction of a pavilion “ Tropical world” has finished and you have a great chance to visit exhibitions of tropical animals, see amazing  night world, sea and freshwater aquariums, birds of prey and swimming birds, hoofed mammals, small cats, leopards. Moreover,  you can make true you dream of riding on horseback as in new built stable there is a section of ride for both children and adults.

In 2008 the Novosibirsk Zoo won in the competition “The seven wonders of Russia”.

Address : 630001, Novosibirsk, Timiryazeva st. 71/1
Phone+7 383 220 97 79
Opening hours
In summer from 9-00 to 21-00 (ticket office till 20-00)
In winter from 9-00 to 18-00 (ticket office till 17-00)

The Novosibirsk Planetarium

The Novosibirsk Planetarium was opened on 15th of January in 1952 in the wooden building of a chapel in the Stalin Amusement Park(today the Central Amusement Park).

A Planetarium device “Small Zeiss” was produced  at the national factory “Karl Zeiss Jena ” in GDR.

In 1963 the chapel was demolished in connection with the building of Musical Comedy Theatre and the “planetarium” device was put under the tribunes of stadium. Only 5 years later the device was again available to citizens and tourists but already in a special “Stars Hall” with spherical cupola 6 meters in diameter. 

Today The Novosibirsk Planetarium has up-to-date equipment – telescopes, binoculars, “The Sun Observatory”. You can see there star maps, atlases, coordinate catalogues of celestial objects, descriptions of  circumstances of the eclipses, voluminous literature on astronomy, computer programs, giving image of  stellar sky for any point of the Earth at any time.

There are special consultations  about planetary motions and arrangements, also any astronomical calculations are available to make for institutions and even for devotees of astronomy.

Astronomical site on the roof of  laboratory building is used for observations over celestial objects.

Address:  630001, Novosibirsk, Plahotnogo st. 10/536
Phone: : +7(383)343-29-44
Opening hours
from 10-00 to 17-00 every day except Sunday

St. Nicholas Chapel

In the very center of Novosibirsk you can notice an orthodox chapel. That is The Saint Nicolas Chapel – one of the symbols of the city.

The construction of  the chapel was finished in 1914 and timed to 300 years anniversary of  the House of Romanov.  In 1930 by the decision  of the city Soviet the chapel was demolished and on it’s place a Komsomol member monument and later Stalin monument, that some years ago was pulled down, were built.

The reconstruction of the chapel finished in 1993 – the 100 years anniversary of Novosibirsk.

Today The Saint Nicolas Chapel is placed not far from it’s original site and stands on a socle – eminence lined with stone with ragged surface. A church porch  - a flight of steps , leads to an entrance. Above entrance in the semicircular arch there is a mosaic portrayal of St.Nicholas the Wonderworker. The building of the chapel is made from brick, plastered and whitewashed. Facades end with zakomaras which have a form of an arch with smooth curves and pointed  end in the upper part.

The building of  the chapel is crowned by dome, placed on a high round drum with 8 high and narrow windows.

The Saint Nicolas Chapel is also known as a place of  miracles : in 2004 during a moleben  cloud stairs were leading  into the sky from the dome, and in 2005 in the sky a cross was seen.

Address: 630001, Novosibirsk, Krasny Prospect 17a

Floral clock

Since 2009  citizens of Novosibirsk synchronize their watches with “floral chimes”. In the city center a giant clock dial decorated with thousands of annual flowers is installed. You can see such flowers as nasturtiums, asters, violets, tulips.

The time is shown by 2 four-meter’s hour hands rotatable by gigantic clockwork commanded by satellite.

At night the clock is no less beautiful – they are lighted with neon illumination.


The Novosibirsk Arboretum in 1997 got the status of a monument of nature. Creation of the Arboretum in 50s initiated the landscape architecture and design in Novosibirsk. The Arboretum can reasonably be considered a Siberian cultural and historical heritage. It includes the elements of author’s landscape design that creates a unique combination of natural and cultural communities.

In Arboretum except the representatives of the Western and Eastern Siberia you may find also the trees and bushes of Far East, Japan, China, Western Europe, North America and Central Asia.

For example, you can  see bushes of  Manchurian  nuts, Amur cork trees, axe weed, Blue Spruce, oaks, euonymus and many other rare and valuable plants. 

The monument of Pokrishkin

In the Marx Square in Novosibirsk there is a monument of legendary pilot honorary freeman Alexander Ivanovich Pokrishkin.

During the Second World War flying on his MiG-3 and Aerocobra he shot down more than 50 enemy aircrafts.

Alexander Ivanovich Pokrishkin is pictured at the young age in the bronze monument. There is an eagle – a strong and courageous bird, a symbol of  sky conqueror- at his feet. Also ther is an epitaph on the monument saying : “Alexander Ivanovich Pokrishkin, thrice a Hero of the Soviet Union, air marshal, honorary freeman of Novosibirsk”.

Besides this there are  memorable bust, museum and  an underground railway station in honor of  Pokrishkin. 

The monument of Vladimir Vysotsky

Novosibirsk has always been a so called Siberian “free-thinking capital”, a city where opposition writers, artists, statesmen and musician felt free. No wonder that in Novosibirsk not far from youth theatre “Globus” there is a monument of talented Soviet actor, poet and singer – Vladimir Vysotsky.

Made in Moscow and presented in jeans with guitar and barefooted bronze sculpture of Vysotsky is placed on the 4 meters granite pedestal. The author of the monument is sculptor Alexander Taratinov, a winner of a monument making competition announced by Novosibirsk social organization of perpetuating the memory of Vladimir Vysotsky.  

St.Alexander Nevski Cathedral

A cathedral erected in honor of protector of Russian land, right-believing and the Great prince  Saint Alexander Nevski is situated in the center of Novosibirsk.

It was the first stone church in the city and one of the first stone city’s buildings.

The Cathedral was built as a monument in honor of Alexander the Third – an organizer of The Great Siberian Tract. On this account, that construction was of a great importance for tsar’s family and it granted a ground area, assigned additional means, presented icons and ritual implements of the church (5000 rubles were donated for construction, 6500 rubles – for making iconostasis, there were also granted gold-brocaded priestly and deacon vestments).

That Cathedral, like other ecclesiastical constructions in the USSR, was closed in 1937. There were made a few attempts to blow it up but just only partitions were destroyed. In 1940s a Design Institute “Promstroyproect” was located in the building of Cathedral. In 1957 there was located a West-Siberian news film studio (till April of 1984). In particular, there were released a famous newsreel “Siberia on the screen” and documentaries. During all these years the paintings on the walls were completely destroyed and new partitions were made.  

The Cathedral started rebuilding since 1988, timed to millenary of the Baptism of Rus.

Today in already rebuild cathedral public liturgies are held and churchgoers are very active in missionary activity and charity. Also there are Orthodox community and sisterhood which are involved in charity and public education. There is a special anti-sect center under the cathedral.

Metro and metro-bridge

The only underground railway beyond the Urals is in Novosibirsk. Everyday 230 thousands of citizens and guests of the city go by 14 km-long tunnels.

The system of underground railway consists of   two lines- Leninskaya and Dzerdzinskaya with 12 stations on them –and joins both banks of the river Ob by the unique world’s longest railway bridge.

The construction of the bridge consists of 3 parts – small tunnel connecting highway stream crossing with ground level of riverside station, a highway stream crossing – grey ferroconcrete box, and a very long green box-shaped gallery from bridge to precipice in the district of Gorskaya Street. Both tunnels have windows so you can enjoy a picturesque sights of the left bank of the river Ob.


One hundred-apartment house

One hundred - apartment house, one of the city’s most attractive places – is an eight floor building in the center of Novosibirsk.

The construction of the house started in 1930s and it was projected as an elite housing for the top city’s people (old Bolsheviks, professorate, directors of all levels and chiefs of the top brass).

The author of the building project was an architect Kryatchkov. High quality of the work, color system and monumentalism of the construction made that house a one of the most famous in the city. The house was built for the members of Regional Executive Committee.  In 1937 at the international arts and technology exhibition in Paris the architect of the house won the gold medal and diploma of Grand Prize.

The one - hundred house is also popular for famous sportsmen, artists and scientists lived there in different times.

By the way, the actual number of apartments is 110.

Address: Novosibirsk, Krasny Prospect street, 16 

The Ascension  Cathedral

Originally, the Ascension Cathedral  was made from wood with bell tower covered with  iron. The cathedral was built by eparchial authorities. Situated in the north uptown the cathedral in that time was one of the most poorest in Novonikolaevsk (later Novosibirsk). Only one priest and psalm singer were working there.

At the time when the churches were under persecution the Ascension Cathedral was closed (1938-39). City authorities used it for grain storage. In April 1944 public liturgy in the cathedral recommenced. In the end of 1946 bell towers were raised on it.

In 1989 at the 7th All-Russian best architectural works festival architects from Novosibirsk won the main prize for reconstruction of the Ascension Cathedral.

Address: Novosibirsk, Zukovskogo street, 55
Phone number - +7(383) 217-00-11